Location:Mexico & USA
Sector: automotive
Development:Strategy, branding & technology
Valle Redondo has a very defined purpose of spreading the “Vinocracia”, or in other words: Democratizing wine; eliminating the pretensions and generating friendly products, just as we Mexicans are. Cu4tro Soles is a line of Mexican wines for Mexicans; that offers different options so that each person can choose according to their preference.
The winery set itself the challenge of generating a unique personality for each of the Cu4tro Soles wines that would communicate and connect with its consumers. This identity should go beyond the label and presentation of the bottle. Cu4tro Soles wines had to have a voice that was projected through social media. This is where the Birth Group joined the challenge and developed the communication of the Wine of Mexico.
Mexicans today move driven by their joy, success, strength and determination. These personality traits that define Mexicans are reflected in Cu4tro Soles wines. Each variety represents one of these characteristic features of our Mexico.
Based on this campaign concept, Birth designed the brand's communication taking advantage of the range of colors, shapes and popular languages of the Mexican culture, and recoggnize toxicanzene culture as a national product. To accept wine as one of "ours". The campaign not only embraced wine as another Mexican, but has also reinforced and exalted values and pride in Mexicanness. Through the main social networks, we have connected and twinned wine with an entire country, its culture and traditions, allowing this drink to be brought to Mexican tables.
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One of the challenges of the brand is to increase the reach of its community. Through the content strategies that Birth Group has designed, the number of followers has increased by 97%. (until August 2021). In June 2021, Merca 2.0 in its article "50 particularly effective campaigns", named Cu4tro Soles' communication campaign as one of the best of the year. During the execution of the campaign, the "Tinto Afrutado" wine from the Cu4tro Soles family was positioned as number 1 in sales on the Amazon platform. Birth Group remains committed to the goal of growth and dissemination of Cu4atro Soles, designing new creative communication strategies to pay for the purpose of bringing wine to all Mexican tables.